Humboldt County Office of Education: Toh-Tet Nelson

Project Category: Maker Share

Toh-Tet Nelson

Water Advocacy Grade: 1st School: Dows Prairie Description Toh-Tet made this poster in class as a part of a Water is Life lesson.   “My poster is of trash in the water and people picking it up. It says: Don’t Trash The Water.” All Kindergarten-Second Grade Submissions Back to Maker Share...

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Colton Taylor

Colton’s Family Maker Night Projects Grade: 5th School:  South Bay Description I attended Family Maker Night and learned very interesting facts about tribes that make/made canoes All Third-Fifth Grade Submissions Back to Maker Share...

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Cooper Hubbard

Cooper’s Family Maker Night Projects Grade: 5th School: Arcata Elementary Description I attended Family Maker Night and learned that tribal canoes are not just boats. All Third-Fifth Grade Submissions Back to Maker Share...

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Big Lagoon – 4th-8th grade

Our Poem:  “TEK is…” Grade: 4th-8th School: Big Lagoon Description Hannah Macana’s class at Big Lagoon created this beautiful poem as a collaborative exercise to demonstrate an understanding of Traditional Ecological Knowledge. * Select the image for a larger version of the poem. All sixth-8th Grade Submissions Back to Maker Share...

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K’nek’nek Lowry

The Yurok Canoe Grade: 6th School: Trinidad School Description I made this canoe out of clay to represent the traditional Yurok canoe. Traditionally they are made of redwood. The redwood canoe is very reliable transportation for the Yurok people and is considered a living entity. It won’t capsize but if it does fill with water it won’t even sink! This is Native engineering.   All sixth-8th Grade Submissions Back to Maker Share...

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