Humboldt County Office of Education: Program Manager with Court/Community Schools

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Program Manager with Court/Community Schools

Position Summary

Under the general supervision of the Court/Community School Principal, the Program Manager will provide leadership and coordination for the infusion of multiple tiers of intervention and support within the HCOE Court/Community School (CCS) Program; support students/families in local districts who are referred for assistance to regional School Attendance Review Boards (SARBs) due to academic, behavior and/or attendance concerns; collaborate with other HCOE and community agency parent education/youth development efforts; pursue multiple funding sources including partnerships with law enforcement, grants, and submitting Medi-Cal billing reimbursement documentation when providing direct student services. The Program Manager will coordinate the Community Schools Planning Grant.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker certification required
  • Demonstrate competence in communicating effectively with staff, district personnel, members of the general public, and representatives of other local state and federal agencies
  • Possess substantial successful experience in conducting parent education programs, working with School Attendance Review Boards (SARBs) and law enforcement agencies
  • Have developed particular expertise in grant writing

Examples of Duties and Responsibilities

  • Conducts and maintains currency regarding research on early childhood trauma and its effects on an individual’s subsequent social/emotional adjustment and academic performance
  • Assists districts in finding alternative ways to insure a student’s regular attendance, positive academic achievement and support efforts to make more consistent/uniform practices for SARB operations in the county; work will be accomplished by routinely attending regional SARB meetings in Northern Humboldt, Eureka, and Eel River Valley, assisting with referrals for services, communicating regularly with law enforcement, and serving as liaison with the district attorney’s office
  • Recommends new procedures and changes in existing procedures governing the implementation/management of the Court/Community Schools Program
  • Work in partnership under the direction of the Principal
  • Conduct needs assessment for CCS to identify areas of need, gaps in services, and strategies to strengthen existing partnerships and support services
  • Establish systems to manage and maintain quality partnerships, including, but not limited to: development of MOU’s, facilitation of regular meetings, planning sessions, joint work plans and collaborative problem-solving/conflict resolution
  • Act as a point person for agencies and programs interested in partnering with schools and help to broker new partnerships that are aligned with school goals and needs
  • Assist with program evaluation, including data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • Coordinate the allocation of space for student and family support services, and for special events
  • Participate in professional development opportunities
  • Facilitate integration and coordination of site-based services with other District programs and services including mental health, family and community support
  • Develop a Community Schools Project master plan
  • Monitor grant requirements, data and reporting requirements and adhere to all timelines
  • Prepares and manages assigned budget
  • Actively engages in an ongoing program of professional development to maintain and improve management skills and leadership abilities
  • Serves as a member of Leadership Council
  • Performs other duties as assigned

Physical Requirements

(Consideration will be given to reasonable accommodation for the following physical requirements.)

Sufficient vision to read printed materials; sufficient hearing to conduct in-person and phone conversations; sufficient mobility to move about the county office and other sites as may be required; ability to speak in an understandable voice with sufficient volume to be heard in normal conversation distance, on the phone, and to address groups of varying sizes; physical and emotional stamina to cope with sometimes stressful situations and conditions.

Additional Requirements

Individuals who serve in management positions provide services in the office as well as in various sites throughout the county, sometimes serving multiple sites in a single workday. Public speaking skills, group problem solving and leadership ability, the ability to communicate effectively in writing and the capacity to maintain personal demeanor during periods of peak work flow and perform efficiently within restricted timeframes are critical factors for success in this position.

Individuals who serve as certificated or classified management personnel must be willing to modify days/hours and to work additional days/hours on occasion with appropriate compensation and be willing to travel using own transportation with mileage reimbursed, or county office fleet vehicle, as the job may require.

Salary: Management Schedule B – Class 2

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

