Humboldt County Office of Education: Principal/-Special Education

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Principal/-Special Education

Position Summary

Under the general direction of the Assistant Superintendent for Student Programs and Services, the Principal/Coordinator for Special Education plans, coordinates and supervises selected special education staff and programs offered through the Humboldt County Office of Education including regional special day classes, infant/preschool programs, nurses and school psychologists. The Principal/Coordinator is responsible for implementing a comprehensive array of services designed to support both county-operated and local district instructional programs. The Principal/Coordinator serves as a liaison between the Humboldt County Office of Education and other special education programs on a regional and statewide basis. Budget development and monitoring is a shared responsibility of the Principal/Coordinator working in cooperation with the Assistant Superintendent for Student Programs and Services and other central office staff.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Possess an appropriate California Administrative Credential.
  • Demonstrate competence in communicating effectively with staff, district personnel, parents and other agency representatives.
  • Possess at least five (5) years successful teaching and/or pupil personnel services experience, the majority of which was working with handicapped student populations.
  • Possess at least three (3) years previous administrative experience at the site or in a central office position, preferably in the area of special education.
  • Demonstrate strong organizational, communication and human relations skills.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of, and experience with, various community resources associated with special needs youth and family.
  • Possess specialized skills, experience and training in the areas of instructional methodologies, curriculum design/modification and demonstration teaching.
  • Possess an advanced degree and experience/training in program and budget planning; staff and curriculum development; staff and program evaluation.

Examples of Duties and Responsibilities

  • Directs the planning, implementation and evaluation of infant/preschool, regional special day classes, nurses, psychologist and other assigned personnel.
  • Plans, submits for approval, and monitors the annual budget for all assigned programs.
  • Supervises and evaluates assigned certificated and classified personnel, and plays a key role in the selection, placement, and professional development planning for every staff member.
  • Serves as a member of the Leadership Council.
  • Assists the IEP (Individualized Education Plan) team with student assessment, individualized instructional plan design, implementation and progress monitoring for each student.
  • Provides advice on establishing and maintaining a classroom atmosphere and environment which lessens the impact of the student’s handicapping condition.
  • Facilitates the student mainstreaming process by providing support services to the regular and/or special education classroom teachers, RST’s (Resource Specialists Teachers) and DIS ((Designated Instruction and Services) personnel.
  • Provides information to IEP and assessment teams regarding resources available to children and families.
  • Acquires and disseminates information regarding innovative instructional methods/techniques and consults with administrators, parents and community agencies concerning special education programs/pupils.
  • Plans and provides appropriate, effective regional staff training programs.
  • Assists in transition of students from program to program in keeping with goals identified by IEP team and researches/recommends appropriate alternative placements.
  • Coordinates program delivery and student transition with other program administrative personnel and staff.
  • Supports the policies and programs of the Humboldt County Office of Education and performs assigned duties consistent with school, district or office policies, regulations and procedures.
  • Maintains current knowledge of laws, regulations and procedures related to programs and services for handicapped students.
  • Maintains professional competency by actively engaging in employer directed inservice activities and other similar opportunities provided to staff.
  • Cooperatively engages in the professional evaluation process with supervisor to ensure ongoing professional growth and competence.
  • Effectively communicates with staff, parents and agencies.
  • Attends regular and special staff meetings and actively participates as a member of the educational team.
  • Responds effectively to the input from, and coordinates tasks with, district/school personnel as required by assignment.
  • Participates in interagency relationships including consultation and assistance in the development and implementation of interagency agreements.
  • Performs other assigned duties.

Additional Requirements

Individuals who serve as Principal/Coordinator for Special Education provide services in the office as well as in various sites throughout the county, sometimes serving multiple sites in a single workday. Public speaking skills, group problem solving and leadership ability, the ability to communicate effectively in writing and the capacity to maintain personal demeanor during periods of peak work flow and perform efficiently within restricted timeframes are critical factors for success in this position.

Individuals who serve as certificated or classified management personnel must be willing to modify days/hours and to work additional days/hours on occasion with appropriate compensation and be willing to travel using own transportation with mileage reimbursed, or county office fleet vehicle, as the job may require.

CLASS: 3 | GTE:gb 7/29/04

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

