Humboldt County Office of Education: Director of Personnel Services (Non-Merit)

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Director of Personnel Services (Non-Merit)

Position Summary

Under general direction of the Superintendent, performs a broad array of personnel management functions for the office and on behalf of local school districts; sits on the Superintendent’s Cabinet; oversees and evaluates the Credential and Data Analyst in the department; processes and maintains various legal documents, records and correspondence; coordinates recruiting, hiring, orientation; and salary placement of employees; processes and maintains credential registry for all certificated personnel in the county; oversees credential compliance monitoring for all districts; provides information and job application assistance upon request; organizes and participates in employment interviews and oversees the exit interview process; researches information for collective bargaining and for personnel policy development; facilitates superintendent and other executive searches as requested by local districts.

Conducts all duties in conformance with the California Education Code, collective bargaining agreements and the County Office of Education policies.  This is a 12-month classified senior management position.

Examples of Duties

  • Oversees functioning of department staff;
  • Meets and serves a variety of individuals on a daily basis, both professional educators and representatives of the general public;
  • Provides technical assistance to districts on various employment matters;
  • Coordinates the recruitment of employees both for the County Office and local school districts upon request;
  • Prepares all appropriate correspondence relating to the search, employment and termination of employees;
  • Recommends screening and interview criteria for panels;
  • Participates in interviews:
  • Provides orientation of new employees;
  • Conducts small and large group presentations on a variety of personnel related matters, including classes in preventing sexual harassment and effective evaluation techniques;
  • Attends assigned and self-elected workshops and conferences;
  • May serve as a panel member for other local government personnel selection committees;
  • Monitors salary and benefit programs on an on-going basis for comparison purposes;
  • Participates in annual budget and staffing meetings;
  • Provides information to Superintendent on employee lay-offs;
  • Works with department managers in areas of employee behavior improvement plans;
  • Participates in Leadership Council;
  • Actively applies all organizational leadership initiatives;
  • Researches and provides relevant training opportunities;
  • Provides access to up-to-date information to districts;
  • Dissemination of information and assistance to prospective and current employees regarding their employment;
  • Processing of exit interviews for separating employees;
  • Other duties as assigned.

Oversees Staff in the:

  • Preparation and distribution of job announcements both in-house and for districts;
  • Facilitation of in-house employment interviews;
  • Verification of completion of all steps in hiring process;
  • Utilizes computer files to monitor professional growth, job placement, sick leave, vacation, and seniority status;
  • Dissemination of all appropriate correspondence relating to the search, employment and termination of employees; Registration of teaching credentials and distributes information regarding applicable laws and regulations governing their use;
  • Coordination of the training/education for all HCOE staff to meet employability standards;
  • Maintenance of confidential personnel files;
  • Testing for various job applicants;
  • Processing of fingerprints and health clearances;
  • Preparation of employment contracts and coordinates personnel information with the payroll department;
  • Maintenance of files of performance evaluations;
  • Submission of records required by the federal and state governments.

Employment Standards

Knowledge of:

  • Current principles and practices of personnel administration including recruitment, examinations, classification, salary schedules, leaves, benefits, position control, employee and management relations, supervision and training;
  • Employee selection procedures and law;
  • Affirmative action and EEO guidelines and requirements;
  • Effective supervision and evaluation techniques;
  • California Education Code provisions relating to personnel practices and procedures in the public school system including hiring, promotion, termination, evaluation and certification requirements;
  • Disability, unemployment and retirement programs applicable to county office personnel;

Ability to:

  • Establish positive rapport with all current and prospective employees of the Organization and the staff of local school districts;
  • Work effectively as a member of the management team in carrying out the mission of the Humboldt County Office of Education;
  • Coordinate, monitor, and maintain records for a program of personnel administration;
  • Answer inquiries and determine proper action or referral;
  • Work with and manage confidential information, including conducting sensitive employee counseling sessions;
  • Prepare and monitor department budgets;
  • Collect and analyze technical information, conduct studies, and prepare reports;
  • Prepare correspondence of a legal/technical nature;
  • Analyze complex problems and recommend solutions;
  • Communicate effectively and harmoniously with others;
  • Utilize a computer terminal to store and retrieve data;
  • Provide services in the office as well as in various sites throughout the county, sometimes serving multiple sites in a single workday;
  • Public speaking skills, group problem solving and leadership ability;
  • Communicate effectively in writing and the capacity to maintain personal demeanor during periods of peak workflow and perform efficiently within restricted timeframes are critical factors for success in this position.

Education & Experience Requirements

  • Graduation from an accredited four-year college or university and a minimum of four years responsible experience in personnel administration or any combination of education, specialized training, and experience totaling not less than eight years in the field of personnel services and/or human resource management;
  • Previous experience in a school system personnel department is desirable;
  • Previous supervisory or coordination experience required;
  • Must be fingerprinted with a satisfactory DOJ records check;
  • TB testing will be required upon employment;
  • Must have normal vision, corrected or uncorrected;
  • May be required to obtain first aid and CPR certificates within the first 6 months of employment;
  • May be required to drive for work. Must have a current CA driver’s license, and proof of insurance.

Physical Requirements

  • Work indoors and sit for long periods of time;
  • Daily oral and written communication;
  • Speaking and hearing ability to sufficiently hear over the phone and carry on routine conversations;
  • Operating a computer, calculator, copier, and other equipment that involves repetitive arm and hand movements;
  • Hand-eye-arm and finger dexterity;
  • Ability to distinguish between colors;
  • Visual acuity sufficient to recognize people, words and numbers;
  • Reaching and lifting up to forty (40) pounds.

Class 10
Reviewed: Nov. 7, 2008
Revised: My 2020

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

