Humboldt County Office of Education: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Specialist

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Specialist

General Description

The Deaf/ Hard of Hearing Educational Specialist shall report directly to the Executive Director of Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA and assume responsibility for planning, coordinating and implementing programs and services designed to address the unique needs of children identified as deaf or hard of hearing.  The Deaf/Hard of Hearing Education Specialist shall observe, consult with, and assist educational staff members as they adapt classroom instructional strategies to meet the students’ educational needs.  The Deaf/Hard of Hearing Education Specialist shall also provide direct instruction, supervise the work of specially trained aides, and serve as a liaison between the school and various community agencies and professionals that provide services to students and their families.

Employment Standards

Education and Experience

  • Possess and maintain a valid California Special Education credential to teach students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Demonstrate competence in communicating effectively with children, parents, staff members and representatives of other agencies, including being highly skilled in sign language.
  • Possess specialized skills, experience and training in the areas of instructional methodologies, interpreting/tutoring skills, and the use of technology designed to support students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and experience with various community resources associated with the special needs of youth who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assists the IEP team with student assessment, individualized instructional plan design, implementation and progress monitoring for each student.
  • Provides advice on establishing and maintaining a classroom atmosphere and environment that supports student’s educational access and growth.
  • Administers appropriate educational assessment instruments and interprets data derived there from.
  • Assists in providing instructional leadership and coordination of special education services at the site level and within a program area.
  • Provides small group and individualized instruction when appropriate and within IEP guidelines.
  • Develops methods, techniques and educational strategies to facilitate student learning.
  • Develops modified lesson plans and regulated curricular materials for use by educational staff and instructional aides as needed.
  • Trains school staff in skills needed to program instruction for identified students and teaches sign language classes for staff and parents on occasion as needed.
  • Assists in transition of students from program to program in keeping with goals identified by IEP team.
  • Coordinates the delivery of student services of paraprofessionals as appropriate.
  • Designs, implements, monitors and reviews as needed appropriate IEPs for students and records pupil progress accurately and timely.
  • Establishes and maintains comprehensive student/program files as required.
  • Provides a positive learning environment that stimulates student learning and maintenance of skills.
  • Conducts home visits as necessary.
  • Supports the policies and programs of the Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA and performs assigned duties consistent with school, district or office policies, regulations and procedures.
  • Maintains professional competency by actively engaging in employer directed inservice activities and other similar opportunities provided to staff.
  • Cooperatively engages in the professional evaluation process with supervisor to ensure ongoing professional growth and competence.
  • Effectively communicates with staff, parents and agencies.
  • Responds effectively to the input from and coordinates tasks with district/school personnel as required by assignment.
  • Performs other related duties.

Physical Abilities

Special note regarding the physical demands of teaching: There is some degree of physical ability and exertion required of all teaching positions.  Over time, the physical demands of any position are subject to change.  Depending upon the particular assignment, teachers could be expected to:

  • Stand, sit and/or move about for sustained periods.
  • Move about in non-traditional instructional environments; i.e., areas of the community.
  • Report to multiple worksites in a given day or during the workweek.
  • Communicate effectively in-person and via telephone and other electronic media to individuals and groups of varying sizes.
  • Conduct instructional programs within pre-designated break periods and time schedules.
  • Maintain an appropriate personal demeanor during periods of heightened stress created by outside factors not always within the ability of the teacher to control at the time.

The Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA and Humboldt County Office of Education, as the Administrative Unit for the SELPA, is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity.  Consistent with that philosophy is the receptivity to consider requests to modify the traditional modes of delivering instructional services to reasonably accommodate an individual’s disabilities as long as the quality of the program offered remains consistent with the standards established by the office.

For further information concerning the specific requirements of any particular assignment, please contact the Personnel Office.

10/21/92 gj
Retyped 1/27/06 sg
Updated 4/6/20 dlr
Updated Language  6/16/21 MF

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

