Humboldt County Office of Education: Coordinator, Local Child Care Planning Council

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Coordinator, Local Child Care Planning Council

Position Summary

Under the general supervision of the designated administrator within the Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE), the Coordinator is responsible for providing primary staff support to the Local Child Care Planning Council (LCCPC) and representing local school districts and HCOE’s before and after school child care related programs and services on a regional basis. The Coordinator will organize, coordinate and support the activities of the Council; provide assistance in reviewing, monitoring, and analyzing the status of childcare in Humboldt County; assist the Local Child Care Planning Council in carrying out the Council’s responsibilities to assess needs, develop priorities, and implement recommendations; and provide technical assistance and support to local school districts’ child care program personnel as part of a region-wide delivery system of support.

Examples of Duties and Responsibilities

Provides support to the LCCPC in order that it may successfully accomplish its responsibilities as defined by law; keeps abreast of proposed and current legislation and advises Superintendent and the Local Child Care Planning Council of the potential impact on Humboldt County; collects, compiles and updates data as required for the county-wide comprehensive child care plan and other reports; provides staff and clerical support to the Council such as preparation and distribution of agenda and meeting minutes, arranging rooms and posting meeting notices; attends all LCCPC meetings and regional Before/After School Program Coordinator’s meetings; completes required reports and prepares formal correspondence on behalf of the Council; represents the LCCPC and HCOE on a variety of child care issues throughout the county and regionally; monitors and maintains compliance on any contracts executed on behalf of the Local Child Care Planning Council; researches, prepares and submits grant requests as authorized by the Superintendent and/or LCCPC; coordinates local media promotion of the Council and its activities; performs other duties as needed by the Council and the HCOE.

Employment Standards

Education and Experience

Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited college/university in Child Development, Social Work, Education or closely related field/emphasis area and a minimum of five (5) years of successful, full-time direct experience in the child care service field; two (2) or more years supervisory or managerial level experience desired.

Knowledge of:

  • Public and private child care delivery systems;
  • Community and regional resources related to a child care, both school based and non-school based.
  • Current trends, issues and alternatives related to the child care delivery system;
  • Recent practices, standards and principles of operating private and public child care programs;
  • Effective use of media as a tool for communication and promotion;
  • Techniques of good public relations and public speaking;
  • Moderate computer word processing and data file management programs.

Ability to:

  • Keep the LCCPC, Superintendent, and local district personnel apprised of current activities related to child care programs and services and make recommendations regarding proposed legislation and/or new policies;
  • Speak to small and large groups with poise, clarity and confidence;
  • Conduct research and prepare grant applications in support of various child care related programs promoted by the LCCPC and/or HCOE;
  • Use technology for developing meeting agendas, minutes, other written correspondence and complex reports;
  • Relate well and work cooperatively with a variety of child care agency representatives, school district personnel and community organization members;
  • Work independently with minimal supervision and be able to supervise the work of others as necessary;
  • Work a flexible schedule to meet LCCPC and regional program requirements including some weekends and weekdays/evenings;
  • Monitor program expenditures and adhere to all legal requirements;
  • Assess and analyze the child care needs within the county and make recommendations for improvement;
  • Travel to required regional and out-of-area meetings and/or conferences as assigned;
  • Follow oral and written instructions;
  • Adapt to changing work demands;
  • Manage task priorities to meet deadlines;
  • Communicate effectively via telephone, modem, and in person;
  • Lift/move materials, possibly arranging tables and chairs for meeting room set-up.

Range 48 | Personnel Commission Approved: 05/13/03sg

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

