Humboldt County Office of Education: Bilingual/Biliterate Community/Family Liaison

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Bilingual/Biliterate Community/Family Liaison

Position Summary

Under the general direction of the Language Learning Specialist, the Bilingual/Biliterate Community Liaison supports and advocates for families by enlisting family engagement in student academic success; by enlisting parental involvement in students’ educational programs and school-site activities; providing translations of written communications and interpretation of verbal communication. The Bilingual/Biliterate Community Liaison will also facilitate positive family relationships between parents, students, HCOE, community agencies and Humboldt County LEAs. The Bilingual/Biliterate Community Family Liaison works to enlist and engage culturally and linguistically diverse family groups in program activities with a primary focus on historically underrepresented communities.

Examples of Duties

  • Assesses family and student needs for developing an action plan to remove barriers to student success
  • Fields Spanish-speaking parent questions directly
  • In collaboration with Language Learning Specialist, assists parents in locating and enrolling in skill/knowledge development courses (e.g.  ESL classes, nutrition / cooking, ways to maintain and develop multiliteracy, computer/virtual platform training) for promoting parental effectiveness and student achievement
  • Maintains a variety of records (e.g. program participation, progress, referrals, etc.) for providing required information and/or documentation
  • In collaboration with HCOE’s Language Learning Specialist, makes home visits—in-person or virtual for acquiring information regarding parent needs
  • Orients students and families for establishing familiarity with program, services, and required processes
  • Participates in workshops, meetings, community teams, etc. for the purpose of receiving and/or presenting information
  • Responds to inquiries for providing information and/or direction
  • Translates written communications and interprets oral communications for the purpose of facilitating positive rapport between students, parents, teachers and other administrators
  • Interprets at events such as IEPs, school meetings, e.g., ELAC/DELAC parent meetings
  • Helps the school community develop a family-friendly school climate amongst staff, students and families
  • Enhances communication between families, school and the HCOE
  • In collaboration with Language Learning Specialist, develops and helps implement effective family involvement strategies to empower families as key decision makers in school governance committees such as school site councils & English Learner Advisory Councils
  • Assists Learning Specialists in the completion of their work activities related to translation/interpretation from Spanish to English and vice-versa.
  • Works under limited supervision focusing primarily on results
  • Provides information and/or advising to other persons
  • Operates within a defined budget and/or financial guidelines
  • Schedules a number of activities
  • Gathers, collates, and/or classifies data; and uses basic job related equipment
  • Works flexible hours

Employment Standards

Education, Experience and Requirements

  • Two (2) years of college-level coursework; Preferred: four (4) years of college-level coursework (30 semester units or 45 quarter units equal one year);
  • Verifiable experience of paid or volunteer work in the community with culturally, ethnically and socio-economically diverse population of parents of public school students;
  • At least two (2) years of college-level Spanish: Castilian language and culture coursework;
  • Ability to work with and communicate with diverse individuals and/or groups, including those with limited English proficiency;
  • Ability to establish and maintain constructive relationships; adapting to changing work priorities;
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality

Knowledge of:

  • Planning and managing activities; preparing and maintaining accurate records; and utilizing pertinent software applications.
  • Basic math including calculation of fractions, percents and/or ratios;
  • English and Spanish for all four language domains; including the ability to read a variety of manuals, write, translate documents from Spanish to English and vice versa following prescribed formats and/or ability to present information before groups; and understand complex multiple-step instructions.

Physical Abilities

(Consideration will be given to reasonable accommodation for the following physical requirements.)

  • Sufficient vision to read printed materials;
  • Sufficient hearing to conduct in-person and telephone conversations;
  • Sufficient mobility to move about the county office and other sites as may be required;
  • Ability to speak in an understandable voice with sufficient volume to be heard in normal conversation distance, on the telephone, and to address groups of varying sizes;
  • Physical and emotional stamina to cope with sometimes stressful situations and conditions.

Classified Hourly Schedule/Range 41
Personnel Commission Approved: 05/11/2021

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

