Humboldt County Office of Education: The Glen Paul School

The Glen Paul School

Hello and welcome to Glen Paul School. Our school is currently comprised of 19 special day classes for severely handicapped students which are located on the Glen Paul campus and regular education campuses scattered throughout Humboldt County. Currently our host schools are Arcata Elementary School, Lafayette Elementary School, Peninsula Elementary School, Fortuna Jr. Academy, Linell K. Walker Elementary School, and Fortuna High School.

Our programs are designed to meet the special education needs of children and youth from ages 3 to 22. The goal of the Glen Paul School program is to provide students with educational opportunities which allow them to gain maximum independence at home, at school, in the community and in future job placements.

Children and youth may be referred to the school by parents, teachers, physicians, agencies or any concerned individual with parent consent. The student’s Individual Education Plan team determines what special education related services may be needed to assist the student in benefiting from specially designed instruction.

We have excellent teachers and support staff that work hard to ensure that each student in our program reaches their maximum potential. Professional development opportunities for teachers are offered and encouraged to enable teachers to remain on top of the latest research and teaching methods.

Each student’s IEP team determines what special education related services may be needed in order to assist the student in benefiting from specially designed instruction. Related services include services like speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, transportation, assistive technology, behavior intervention, and transition.

Support services are provided to the students and staff on a regularly scheduled basis by specialized support staff:

  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Adaptive Physical Education Program
  • Transportation
  • Assistive Technology
  • Behavior Intervention
  • Transition

Please call us if you have any questions about the Glen Paul School program.

School Wellness Information
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,

Aside from home, school is the place where youth spend most of their time. This gives schools a great opportunity to create a learning environment that promotes students’ health, well-being and ability to learn.

The Humboldt County Office of Education has a School Wellness Council that acts as an advisory group with the goal to develop, implement and assess a wellness plan to positively influence the health of students and improve academic success.

Key areas of the Wellness Policy:

  • Nutrition Promotion and Education
  • Physical Activity
  • Other school-based activities that promote student wellness.

Parents, students, community members, and organization are invited to ,participate, alongside teachers, administrations, school health professionals, and School Board members.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our School Wellness Council, please contact the school site principal.
