Humboldt County Office of Education: Fingerprinting


How do I get Live Scan Fingerprinting done for employment or volunteering in Humboldt County Schools?

Employment fingerprint clearance is required for all school district employees. Certificated and classified substitutes and temporary employees working for more than one school district may have their fingerprint clearances done through the Humboldt County Office of Education.

  1. You can call us at (707) 445-7039 or come in to the HCOE personnel office to get a “Request for Live Scan Service – Public Schools or Joint Powers Agencies”.
  2. The fee is $32.00 (Department of Justice fee payable at HCOE) which may be paid by credit (over the phone or in person), cash, personal checks or money orders. An additional local processing fee will be collected by the live scan operator (see below).
  3. Please discuss your reason for needing a Live Scan fingerprint form to be sure you will be charged the correct fee and receive the correct paperwork.
  4. Take the Live Scan form to one of the agencies listed below.
  5. Results of the fingerprint clearance will come to our office electronically. You may call (707) 445-7039 to inquire about the status of your prints.
  6. Upon receipt of the clearance your name will go into the fingerprint database. All Humboldt County School district offices have access to see that your prints have cleared.

How do I get Live Scan Fingerprinting done for a Substitute Teaching permit or other credentialing need?

Fingerprint clearance through the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is required for every applicant as a pre-requisite to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing issuance of any permit, credential, or certificate.

  1. Come in to the HCOE personnel office to get a “Request for Live Scan Service – Applicant submission” (Form 41-LS).
  2. Please discuss your reason for needing a Live Scan fingerprint form to be sure you will be charged the correct fee and receive the correct paperwork.
  3. The fee, collected by the live scan operator is $49.00 plus a local processing fee($49.00 Commission on Teacher Credentialing fee, plus an additional processing fee, all collected by the live scan operator) (see below).
  4. Take the Live Scan form to one of the agencies listed below.
  5. Results of the fingerprint clearance will go directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Live Scan Fingerprinting Locations

Arcata Police Dept.
736 F Street, Arcata
(707) 822-2428 ext. 3
Fee: $30.00
Hours: By Appointment Only

Blue Lake Casino
777 Casino Way, Blue Lake
(707) 668-5300
Fee: $20.00
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
(Call for appointment)

Eureka Police Dept.
604 C Street, Eureka
(707) 441-4060
Fee: $35.00
Hours: Tues & Wed, 9 a.m.–Noon & 1–3 p.m.

Fortuna Police Dept.
621 11th Street, Fortuna
(707) 725-7550 x1424
Fee: $35.00
Hours: By appointment only

Humboldt State University Police Dept.
1 Harpst Street, Arcata
(707) 826-4654 ext. 1
Fee: $15.00 for Students, Faculty & Staff
$30.00 for All Others
Hours: Mon – Fri, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Humboldt County Sheriff
826 Fourth Street, Eureka
(707) 445-7251
Fee: $35.00 (Cash Only)
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.–Noon & 1–3:30 p.m.

Post-Haste Mail Center
600 F Street, Arcata
(707) 825-8295
Fee: $30.00
Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

McKinleyville Central Supply & Business Center
1928 Central Ave., McKinleyville
(707) 839-4317
Fee: $24.00
Hours: By Appointment Only

Scrapper’s Edge
728 4th Street, Eureka
(707) 445-9686
Fee: $25.00
Hours: By Appointment Only
