Humboldt County Office of Education: Assistive Technology Services Teacher

Notice: In July 2022 HCOE classified job descriptions were re-classified. We are working to get the classifications changed on individual job descriptions. A PDF mapping these changes can be found here. For questions please contact the HCOE Personnel Office at (707) 445-7039.

HCOE Job Description

Assistive Technology Services Teacher

Job Summary

Under the direct supervision of the Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) Director, the Assistive Technology Services Teacher provides assistive technology services to meet the individual needs of students with exceptional needs in a variety of settings. Services can include instruction, consultation, and assessment associated with augmentative communication systems, modification of computer systems, specialized computer assistance, and determination of access, or use of auditory training equipment.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Possession of or qualifications for a valid California Education Specialist credential or Speech and Language Pathology.
  • Successful completion of Assistive Technology certificate program such as CCATT or CSUN ATACP.
  • Expertise and experience in use of augmentative communication devices and a variety of assessment tools.
  • Understanding of special education programs and practices, laws and regulations, and curriculum.
  • Experience with a variety of specialized computer systems, computer modifications, assessment procedures and physical access issues.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Respond to referrals for assessment.
  • Assist students with disabilities in the selection, acquisition or use of an assistive technology device including installation, training, or technical assistance for the child, family, professional staff and others.
  • Coordinate the appropriate use of assistive technology with other therapies, interventions, and services, if needed.
  • Prepare all required written assessment reports.
  • Provide direct instruction and consultation to students and staff.
  • Assist general and special education teachers to adapt curriculum to meet the needs of children in the classroom using assistive technology.
  • Communicate and collaborate with administrators, staff and parents regarding student progress and needs.
  • Ability to travel between school sites and accommodate flexible scheduling demands.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Physical Abilities

Special note regarding the physical demands of teaching: There is some degree of physical activity and exertion required of all teaching positions. Over time, the physical demands of any position are subject to change. Depending upon the particular assignment, teachers could be expected to:

  • Stand, sit and/or move about for sustained periods.
  • Move about in non-traditional instructional environments; i.e., areas of the community.
  • Report to multiple worksites in a given day or during the work week.
  • Communicate effectively in-person and via telephone and other electronic media to individuals and groups of varying sizes.
  • Exercise physical control over students who are acting out and/or offer physical assistance to students who might be themselves physically impaired.
  • Conduct instructional programs within pre-designated break periods and time schedules.
  • Maintain an appropriate personal demeanor during periods of heightened stress created by outside factors not always within the ability of the teacher to control at the time.

The Humboldt County Office of Education is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity. Consistent with that philosophy is the receptivity to consider requests to modify the traditional modes of delivering instructional services to reasonably accommodate an individual’s disabilities as long as the quality of the program offered remains consistent with the standards established by the office.For further information concerning the specific requirements of any particular assignment, please contact the Personnel Office.

10/21/92:gj | Retyped 01/27/06:sg | Updated 4/6/20 dr

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

