Humboldt County Office of Education: Racial Equity Resources

Racial Equity Resources

A Message from the Superintendent

June 8, 2020

Dear Humboldt County Community,

The troubling events of recent days require us to once again come together as community to share our unified outrage regarding the injustice and blatant disregard for the life and murder of Minnesota-resident, Mr. George Floyd and also for countless other people of color, both in recent years and over the centuries of our nation’s history.

Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) stands in solidarity with those voicing anguish, anger, and frustration.  As educators, we have an obligation to support our young people and community.  Our responsibility is to utilize this moment to model and take a stand against injustice and inequity.  Now is the time to serve our young people by listening, communicating with honesty, uniting against racism, and against violent and destructive behavior. 

Every student has the right to learn in an inclusive culture that grows and is enriched from the incredible strength of diversity.  Let us educate and raise our voices on behalf of our children and use this moment as an opportunity to bring about lasting change.   We must identify the racism and biases within ourselves and be courageous in identifying and eliminating the same in our schools and community.  

This week’s edition of our Weekly News is solely dedicated to providing resources, examples of local school-based activities and programs, as well as upcoming events that can help our young people make sense of what they are seeing and hearing.  I am so thankful for the incredible work of our local educators who are embracing this moment as a catalyst for growth, for justice and for action. 

With Gratitude,

Chris Hartley , Ed.D

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Recommended Reading

HCOE has compiled a brief list of books, organized by audience (adults, children, educators, and teens) on the subjects of racism and equity. A more extensive list can be found below, in the Resources for Community Members section.

Things to Consider in Conversations

  1. Be sure to center the voices and feelings of students of color. If white students and teachers dominate the space with their voices and feelings, we are not teaching for equity. Work to do this even in an all-white space. What is the anti-racist perspective to be centered? 
  2. Be sure to center the systemic and institutional and interpersonal need to value Black people and Black lives. In conversations about protests, many are quick to center the importance of property and not destroying property. 
  3. As Dr. Kendi, author of How to Be an Anti-Racist states, there is no such thing as a neutral position of “not racist”. There is only “racist” and “anti-racist”.

Organizations to Support and General Resources

Resources for Educators

Resources for Families and Children

Resources for Community Members
