Humboldt County Office of Education: Open Position: Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA Executive Director

Open Position: Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA Executive Director

Open Position: Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA Executive Director

The Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) is seeking a highly qualified professional educator to join its management team in the position of Executive Director/Humboldt-Del Norte SELPA. While this position is an employee of the Humboldt County Office of Education, they will also be responsible to the SELPA Policy Council for overall supervision and management of the Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA).

Job Flyer Job Description Job Posting

What is SELPA?

SELPA stands for Special Education Local Plan Area. In 1977, all school districts and county offices of education were required to join to form geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all of the special education service needs of children residing within the region boundaries. Each region developed a local plan describing how it would provide special education services

Salary and Fringe Benefits

  • Salary Range: $130,270-$162,836*
  • Masters: $1,250
  • Doctorate: $1,500
  • 220 work days per year
  • Family health, dental and vision insurance
  • Paid educational association membership

*Placement based on background and experience

Application Procedure

An application will be considered complete upon receipt of the following documents no later that November 20, 2023, at 4:00 p.m.

  • A letter of intent summarizing one’s candidacy, qualifications, and interest in the position
  • A professional resumé
  • A certificated management application form completed as instructed (not required of current HCOE staff.)  Applications can be downloaded from the Humboldt County Office of Education’s website at or contact the Personnel Department for applications, job description and assistance at ( 707) 445-7039.
  • Official/Un-Official Transcripts Required
  • 3 to 5 current letters of recommendation

All application materials are to be sent to:

Personnel Director
Humboldt County Office of Education
901 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, CA  95501
(707) 445-7039 •
