Humboldt County Office of Education: HCOE Receives $3.3 Million Arts/Social Emotional Learning Grant

HCOE Receives $3.3 Million Arts/Social Emotional Learning Grant

HCOE Receives $3.3 Million Arts/Social Emotional Learning Grant

(Eureka)—The Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) is the recipient of a $3.3 million Federal grant to maximize social, intellectual and creative potential in local schools. HCOE was selected one of 29 awardees from 109 applicants who applied to the Department of Education. HCOE’s application scored 298 of 300 possible points.

The goal of the grant is to serve entire school communities in social and emotional learning through the arts. Humboldt County schools will have the opportunity to apply to be a part of the grant. The grant pays for professional development, instructional supplies, and coaching. Participating schools will incorporate these strategies into their curriculum to increase student performance.

“This is a perfect opportunity for school communities to focus learning and emotional well-being through the arts,” said Stacy Young, M.A., HCOE Arts Program Manager. “During the pandemic many of us turned to the arts for our emotional well-being; bringing that into the classroom is critical for students and staff. Humboldt students have high levels of trauma that need to be addressed.”

“Student wellness has always been a concern for educators and now more than ever it is priority,” said Dr. Peter Stoll, HCOE Prevention and Intervention Services Director.  “The movement of supporting student social emotional health is not a series of events, but an effort integrated into our interactions and the positive climate of our schools. The arts provide a rich and powerful tapestry of opportunity to enhance this critical aspect of learning.”

Trainings and participation by teachers and principals will involve professional development and strategies identified in the grant structure. Opportunities for Humboldt County schools to apply to participate in the program start in October 2021.
