Humboldt County Office of Education: Industrial Technology Showcase Virtual Slideshow

Industrial Technology Showcase Virtual Slideshow

Industrial Technology Showcase Virtual Slideshow

Each year, the Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE) recognizes the outstanding work from local high school students participating in woodworking, architectural design & drafting, metals, industrial prototyping, and automotive technology. These high school programs encourage students to become proficient in the specialized areas of Industrial Technology and Trades.

This year, because we were not able to celebrate and honor students in a traditional in-person ceremony, teachers and students were encouraged to submit work that showcases their specific program. Those submissions are available to view in a first-ever on-line slideshow at:

“While nothing can replace an in-person celebration of our high school Industrial Technology programs, we hope this virtual platform is able to represent some of the excellent work being done in Humboldt County high schools to train students for a future career in the trades,” states Tanya Trump, HCOE program manager. “These talented students have shown passion for their trade and a commitment beyond their high school classroom with many of these projects being completed at home during shelter-in-place.”

Career Technical Education (CTE) programs offer both academic and career-oriented training. These programs prepare youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand careers and are available in many of our local high schools. To learn more about careers in the trades, check out the videos at  For more information, please contact Tanya Trump at (707) 445-7817 or

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