Humboldt County Office of Education: Industrial Technology Showcase Recognizes Excellence

Industrial Technology Showcase Recognizes Excellence

Industrial Technology Showcase Recognizes Excellence

The Humboldt County Office of Education celebrated 104 showcase students and awarded 35 recognitions of excellence certificates for outstanding work in woodworking, drafting, metals, industrial prototypes, and automotive technology to high school students in the third annual Industrial Technology Showcase of Excellence held May 20 at the Humboldt County Office of Education’s Sequoia Conference Center.

Industry experts, who interviewed approximately 104 students and evaluated projects created by students from seven schools, selected the students to honor with recognition of excellence. Earlier in the evening, teachers and students participated in a BBQ dinner and displayed their projects for community members and industry partners to see.

Participating schools and teachers included:

  • Arcata High – Lex Rohn, Jason Sidell, Matt Simon
  • Eureka High – Kyle Shamp, Dave Stevens, Sean Mitchell
  • Ferndale High – Justin Nunes
  • Fortuna High – Brett Roslosnik, Tony Miles
  • McKinleyville High –Sean Curry, Todd Curry, Matt Simon
  • Six Rivers Charter High – Lex Rohn, Jason Sidell
  • South Fork High – Kenny Ingalls

The Showcase is a program beginning at the schools to encourage students to become proficient in the specialized areas of Industrial Arts Trades and ultimately recognizes excellence achieved at a celebratory venue.

Students were nominated by their teacher based on the student’s pride in workmanship, a passion for the trades, a strong work ethic, an interest and willingness to learn, knowledge of their trade, and demonstration career-readiness every day.

Each student receiving a teacher recommendation was interviewed by two industry partners who visited their school site.  Students shared a chosen project with the evaluators who assessed their ability to speak to the process of producing their showcased project, their passion for their trade or craft, their interest in continuing along the path of their trade, and their overall knowledge of their trade.  Of these students, one “Advanced” student and one “Novice” student from each program was awarded recognition of excellence in their division.

The Industrial Technology Showcase is a partnership between the Humboldt County Office of Education, county industrial technology teachers, and the industry experts who served as judges. Career Technical Education (CTE) programs offer both academic and career-oriented training. These programs prepare youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand careers. Trades programs can be found in many of our local high schools. For more information, please visit:
