Humboldt County Office of Education: Superintendents Support County-Wide Interdistrict Attendance Agreement

Superintendents Support County-Wide Interdistrict Attendance Agreement

Humboldt County school district superintendents have come to a collective agreement on interdistrict attendance, which includes the process for interdistrict transfer agreements. In a meeting at the end of last calendar year, superintendents came to consensus on the new agreement, now pending formal approval from each of their respective boards.

Key components of the agreement include:

  • A designated open enrollment period with timelines for interdistrict request approval.
  • Processes to support districts with student enrollment and staffing.
  • Participation by families in “reasonable enrollment activities” to ensure that they are aware of the programs and services in their district of residence (DOR).

There are two important changes from the prior process. The first one is that there will be an application deadline of February 1, in order to allow families to plan for the following year, and to facilitate schools planning for staff and resource allocation. Applications received after February 1 shall be approved by the DOR for the 2018-19 school year. The second is that there will be opportunities for families to learn more about their DOR through “reasonable enrollment activities” which can include a discussion with the DOR administration or their designees, attending an orientation meeting, taking part in a site visit, or reviewing information literature provided by the DOR.

“This agreement and process honors parent choice while giving schools reasonable enrollment predictability,” states Dr. Chris Hartley, Superintendent of Humboldt County schools. “We have outstanding teachers and schools throughout Humboldt County and each and every one provides unique strengths and opportunities for students.”

A link to the form can be found here. Districts will be sending out correspondence to their families and constituents regarding this new process. In addition, the Humboldt County Office of Education will be facilitating an education campaign throughout January to bring greater awareness to the broader community.

Administration Office

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

Press Inquiries

Natalie Carrigan
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
